Originally Posted at SheLoves Magazine. I learned to sew when I was 12. My mom taught me how to follow the pattern and cut on the bias, how to add elastic and sew on buttons. The result was a complete set of pale yellow pajamas printed with a pattern of little cupcakes. I loved those pajamas. Sadly, the pants were too short and I never wore the shirt, because I couldn’t be bothered with buttons before bed. But I still loved them. In the beginning, sewing comes with a whole lot of … [Read more...]
Happy Birthday, Midge!
It’s been one year since I purchased a 14’ x 8’ trailer and had it towed to my sister’s driveway. One year since emptying my bank account for the foundation-on-wheels under a new way of life. I have so much to say about my little house, but I don’t yet have the language. Talking about my house feels like being 7 years old and needing to clean my room—Where do I start? What is most important? Should I organize as I go? If I leave it alone will it get better on its own? So there’s … [Read more...]
The Sweetness of Marinating
Originally posted at SheLoves Magazine. The past six months have been crammed full of chaos. I hurt someone I care about deeply, because I couldn’t be what he needed me to be. My parked car was shot at and now the wind whistles through the hole in my windshield. I was fired from my job at the café where I loved so many people. And this week I dropped a ladder on my house and broke a window. I ought to be having a meltdown right about now. My sister will attest that there have been … [Read more...]
Midge The Tiny House.
So much has happened since I posted about my house last month. First of all, thank you to all my friends who suggested names for my house. My wonderful friend Karen dropped Midge into the Facebook comments and I knew it. was. perfect. So #midgethetinyhouse is official. It is the redemption of a former Midge in my life. A person I thought I was before I grew into my own skin. If that doesn't make sense to you, read this Midge blog post from my former life and see how different I was … [Read more...]
There is Nothing Dangerous About Me
Originally posted at SheLoves Magazine. There is nothing dangerous about me. I am small. I smile big. My favorite thing to do in the whole world is make people laugh. And yet … I am a Dangerous Woman. I am a threat to the status quo. I am unboxable. Yes, I know, unboxable is not a word, but I am making up words. I’m dangerous like that. I am dangerous. I am dangerous because I am a woman and I am single. And that makes me happy. I am building my own house. I am not … [Read more...]
Bad Blogger and Tiny House Names
Oh boy. Sometimes when I have TOO MANY things to say I end up getting quiet. It is the lamest way to handle stress, but there you have it. I want to blog about all my Tiny House progress, but there is SO MUCH. Short story: The exterior is complete. And I have a skylight and wicked cool sink that needs to be installed. I have a half-finished bathroom with a wine barrel shower basin and I HAVE SO MANY STORIES. I want to write out giant, emotional thank you blog posts to the women at … [Read more...]
Tiny House in the Driveway
{ Originally Posted at SheLoves Magazine } My personal motto is, “Live all the way.” And, girl, do I ever. I have made it my mission to live a life that is full and adventurous and BIG. I scrape together enough money to travel whenever possible. I take on hundreds (okay, maybe only dozens) of projects at a time. I explore new foods and meet new people and attempt to experience as much as I can of the world around me. But I also live a life that is small—I try not to collect too … [Read more...]
The Mountain Beyond the Trees
Originally posted at SheLoves Magazine. There is a little bitty town nestled in the shadow of a dormant volcano in Western Washington. It fills with fog every fall and winter and sometimes in the spring. I didn’t grow up in that foggy, sleepy town, but for years it is where my mind went when I said the word home. I spent a good chunk of my twentieth year there and I spent a whole lot of that time crying. I blew into town broken after some adventures abroad. My arms overflowed with … [Read more...]
And Then There’s Faith
Originally posted at SheLoves Magazine. I’m fiery and loud and opinionated. I am obsessed with finding the answers to questions. I think Google is a brilliant invention. I look for answers everywhere. I talk in circles about my childhood—in search of new truths. I try to find the reason for what makes a person tick. I research solutions in the middle of tricky construction projects and when I forget how to cast off my knitting. I like when problems have solutions and questions have … [Read more...]
Embracing My Weird
Originally posted at SheLoves Magazine. “To make mistakes is human; to stumble is commonplace; to be able to laugh at yourself is maturity.” William Arthur Ward Any girl who has been on the business end of a camera knows that she’s got two choices: smile and hope she doesn’t look weird or look weird on purpose so everyone can tell it was on purpose. “Look weird on purpose” is my signature move. I’m not sure when I learned it, but for as long as I can remember I’ve … [Read more...]
So Much Progress
Sometimes I'm such a bad blogger. I should have written about how a month ago my incredibly talented brother spent two 10-hour days teaching me how to frame my tiny house. My amazing sister Adina also worked her butt off building with us. Early on Saturday, Sept 20 Adina and I drove over to Gray Lumber to pick up a couple dozen 2x4s and 2x6s. Gray is a little more expensive than Home Depot, but guys, local business. I decided if I really believe in this whole sustainable living experiment, … [Read more...]
For the Love of a Dream
Originally posted at SheLoves Magazine. “If you come at four in the afternoon, I’ll begin to be happy by three.” ― Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, The Little Prince I’m a recovering Type-A personality. I haven’t made a long-term plan for the better part of five years. Instead, I’ve filled my life with short-term goals, retail jobs, freelance projects and adventures. I want to taste and see the WHOLE WORLD, so I pick and graze and move on when I’m done. It’s my drifting balloon-like … [Read more...]
More Than Just a DIY Project
Sometimes your DIY project turns into an RYSTDIFY project. In case you haven't learned that one yet, it stands for Recruit Your Sister To Do It For You. So my tiny house is pretty much going to be a RYSTDIFY. Because my sister is stronger than me and knows a little about everything. But mostly SHE'S SO STRONG. My last tiny house blog post was about sanding and stuck boards. There were 12 boards stuck to my trailer. That was in June. Until two weeks ago there were still eight boards … [Read more...]
Lazy is a Four-Letter Word
Originally posted at SheLoves Magazine. I live in a crunchy-granola-chickenfarm-commune with two of my sisters, my niece and my nephew. In my house we don’t believe in bad words. Words are neither good nor bad. Words are just words. The only distinction in our house is that words are not bad, but they are often offensive. Most of the four-letter words are fair game—those ones aren’t so terribly offensive on the Joslyn Farm. If the saying is true, then we swear like … [Read more...]
commence end-of-summer-meltdown
I need to be dressed and headed out the door to work in 5 short hours and I am nowhere near the point of falling asleep. ( The seven people who actually read this blog will know that my sleeplessness always leads to blogging rants, meltdowns and word vomit—I'm sorry, friends. ) It's nearly September—the time when anxiety and stress settle heavy on my shoulders like the wool coat I'll be digging out of the closet soon. After scanning old blog posts I discovered a sad little pattern in my … [Read more...]