Sometimes your DIY project turns into an RYSTDIFY project. In case you haven't learned that one yet, it stands for Recruit Your Sister To Do It For You. So my tiny house is pretty much going to be a RYSTDIFY. Because my sister is stronger than me and knows a little about everything. But mostly SHE'S SO STRONG. My last tiny house blog post was about sanding and stuck boards. There were 12 boards stuck to my trailer. That was in June. Until two weeks ago there were still eight boards … [Read more...]
Speaking Norwegian and Buying Insulation
Three days after bringing my beautiful trailer home to my sister's driveway (where I can see it from my current bedroom window) I bought some insulation. I don't even have a frame yet, but I have a whole lot of insulation. Here's how it goes down: Gardening with my sister (read: my sister is gardening. I am probably making a mess with dirt). She checks her phone and sees that a friend was selling a bunch of doors and lumber and other bits and parts for building projects. So we head over to … [Read more...]