On Saturday night I fell asleep in the only clean clothes I still have, half a text message drafted, a full cup of tea on the night stand.
But it was in my bed—where I am almost positive my memory foam loves me just as much as I love it.
In eight days I hadn’t slept in the same house any two consecutive days. I traveled more than 900 miles in that time, but never made it more than 150 miles away from my house.
I worked three different jobs and comforted half a dozen miniature humans—including the world’s weirdest 9-year-old and the world’s cutest 7-week-old.
I chased down a lost dog … and in the same day a lost chicken.
I lost a fight with a blackberry bush.
I missed one deadline, but managed to successfully meet seven others. I fixed a camera and broke an iPhone.
I was kicked in the face. I laughed afterward. But I also smashed both my funny bones—I didn’t laugh either time.
I planted flowers and tore out weeds. I napped in the grass and also in my car. I should have slept at least 56 hours in those eight days. I’m pretty sure I might have slept only 37.
I had long rambling chats with friends in Chicago and Nashville. And spilled my guts to loves in San Jose and Seattle.
I had Indian food in three different cities. And spent two whole days forgetting to eat.
I collected thousands of dollars worth of tools and treasures for FREE. But I also emptied my bank account (and I mean emptied) to purchase the foundation for my tiny house.
I felt wild and unhinged at times—with my curls running a thousand directions and my mind too busy to care.
I have felt beautiful a hundred different times, effectively negating all of grade 7.
I have danced in a grocery store and spoken Norwegian with a stranger and been hit on from a moving vehicle.
I have angry cried about church and happy cried about reconciliation.
I was interviewed by police and stopped by border patrol.
I was exhausted for nearly every single minute of it. When my Fearless Leader asked if I had too much on my plate, I replied with, “I ALWAYS have too much on my plate. I love my full plate.”
I want to LIVE every minute. I want to TASTE it all. I’m too busy dancing around the world to be worried that I’m not really headed anywhere. I’m not doing it right. I’m not normal. I might never really grow up. And right now, I feel pretty good about that.
I’m exhausted just reading this and laughing and marveling as I read how you live life to the FULLEST!!!!!!
Ha ha. Thank you Sandy! I love it too. And it really is exhausting (but worth it).
Just found you in SheLoves. Do you blog regularly? I didn’t see where I could sign up to receive your blog posts automatically. Am I missing it somewhere here?
Hi Grace! I currently don’t have a subscribe button. I need one. It never occurred to me that people would even WANT to subscribe to my blog. Ha ha. I haven’t blogged as frequently because of my PILES OF PROJECTS, but I want to. I’ll look into a subscribe button for sure. 🙂
Quick update: I did it!! I added the subscription feature to my sidebar. Silly me, I don’t know why I hadn’t thought of that. xoxo
Good job! And I have now subscribed!
I’ve been here on your blog, stalking you for like 30 minutes when I’m sure I should be sleeping. But this: “I want to LIVE every minute. I want to TASTE it all. I’m too busy dancing around the world to be worried that I’m not really headed anywhere. I’m not doing it right. I’m not normal. I might never really grow up. And right now, I feel pretty good about that.”
That’s how I feel! (and now I can’t unbold my text–unbolden?–so sorry about that.) This is why I never sleep and people think I’m crazy sometimes and just all of that. I’m obsessed with your tiny house project and now will stalk you online like there’s no tomorrow. But you can see from my blog I’m TOTALLY NORMAL except for that I’m not. But I’m not a crazy-ass stalker either because I have four kids and ain’t nobody with four kids got time for that. <3
[ps- because I copied and pasted, it was bold when I was looking at the comment and now it’s not so yay disqus and politely ignore that part of the above comment and also this whole comment.]
Oh I get this.
Oh.my.goodness. I LOVE this. I find myself winding down the rabbit trail of almost stalking cool strangers all the time. And I usually tell them, because I think it makes it less weird. And that’s just what you did and that is AWESOME. You speak my language, Kristen. And that is rare, indeed.
Also, “ain’t nobody got time for that.” Perfection. Thank you for making my day. For real.